baby classes and a lot of other musings

week 36! only four official weeks to go although a part of me is now thinking that i wouldn’t mind if she got here a tad bit earlier. this is definitely the final stretch in pregnancy and when you’re me and you can no longer bend down to pick things up, you cannot paint your own toes, and even rolling to get from one location to another in bed is exhausting, you’re ready to get things going around here!

the baby nursery is finally set and ready to go. the baby shower my friends threw us was so sweet and wonderful and paul and i are so thankful for the generosity and showering from our loved ones near and far. we are stocked up on all of our baby gear and eighty five other items that i did not even know about until i started researching items we would need—brands that had no relevance in my life whatsoever before such as medela, lansolin, britax, and munchkin have been too much researched through amazon and we now have the assurance that owning all of these items is ready to make sure that we are going to be fantastic and amazing parents. yes–consumerism at its worst but i couldn’t help getting sucked in by all the things we apparently would need–it has honestly been very fun nesting and getting everything together.

baby books have taken over any reading that i’ve once enjoyed doing for fun. too many. i don’t want to read anymore. but i have started feeling guilty about using up my time reading a purely fiction (albeit high quality fiction) book that will provide no guidance whatsoever on the months ahead of how to take care of a baby i’m about to pop out in possibly less than a month. guess what most of the books are about that i’ve been reading? not how to take care of babies…most of my books are about babies and how to get them to sleep. ha, this has got to be my number one fear of the little one making her presence in the han household. how am i going to function and be a normal human being without my sleep??? i am already easily cranky as it is, but how is one supposed to survive on spurts of waking up every two hours through the night?

i’ve read so much on this topic that now to be honest, it is a jumble of mixed information and i am going to have some funky sleep ideas/methods with the little one. i fear that in my sleep stupor, i will start mixing together extinction and attachment parenting to it’s extreme that the little one will be just as confused as i am with the whole idea of what sleep is just like her mommy. Lord–i pray for a good tempered baby (which means i do not wish her to have a personality type like my own) who loves to sleep through the night. and if not, please help us get her sleeping as soon as possible. AMEN.

baby classes have been a mix of highs and lows. the breastfeeding class was good—informative and it used up time efficiently. the birthing class has been a tad ridiculous. i don’t understand why we need to attend ten hours of instruction on how to breathe properly for birthing and to talk about our feelings regarding pregnancy. the very first class we spent going around the room for an hour talking about our sentimental pregnancy experiences, we watched a thirty minute video, and then had time for our husbands to give us a back massage (okay, so this part i didn’t mind so much). i knew i was in the wrong class when the pregnant woman across from us kept talking about how magical pregnancy was for fifteen minutes as i could only think about how much my butt hurt from sciatica from sitting in a hard chair for so long. they do say that teachers make the worst students and maybe i’m just being too critical but i really don’t enjoy the whole sentimental sharing of feelings in these classes. i just want to learn what i need to learn so i can go home and watch top chef on huluplus.

oh i shall stop now as i am getting far too cynical and it is late to be posting all of my pregnancy musings. my next post i will attempt to be a lot more positive and cheerful. but for now, good night world.