Thankful thoughts

Thankful this morning.
for warm coffee

for a happy toddling child getting into everything and a 5yo tweenager who is independently making messes upstairs

for a house to keep us dry from the rain although our roof needs repair

for stable jobs in the time of covid. Spent the last two weeks bitter about being the primary caregiver of 2 under 5 while also working full time with a husband who is gone for most of the day working at the hospital. And also in fear for the husband wondering when the surge will hit our city and his hospital. But how shortsighted when we actually have opportunities to serve so many people right now.

for Jesus’ death on the cross. Thank you Lord for saving me…when I see the reality of my sin it is so disheartening but your blood has covered me. Please give me wisdom and strength so that my life will be used for your glory


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